Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Website Officially Launched!

Attention! Attention! My new website has been launched!

I'm going to start trying to get a little attention over the next few days. Hopefully I'll get rolling in no time! I really want people who enjoy my writing to get on board. Welcome to Nick!

Please sign my wall on the "Contact" page and let me know what you think!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Unemployment Casualwear Available at My Cafepress Store!

I have illustrated two new designs!

Without further ado, here is more shameless marketing!

Visit my store at and order one, or are you not constantly complaining about the economy?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Updated Character Sketch

You know how sometimes you draw something and think it looks fine, but then take a step back and it frightens you? That just happened to me with my new character. I realized that after the face, I gave him wimpy little baby arms.

Once I drew his skeleton (which I should have done first but I was lazy) I noticed that he probably couldn't carry a watermelon, would really suck at volleyball, and definitely couldn't reach his own hair to shampoo it.

Character Sketch #1

Just completed the first character concept for possible book illustrations!

I'm currently considering a header graphic for each chapter. I'm not sure whether or not it will make the book more marketable to a publisher, but at this stage I can experiment a little bit.

I bought a Wacom bluetooth graphire tablet thinking that it might give me some talent, but much to my chagrin I still can't draw with a computer pencil! Now I feel like one of those pretentious snobs who buy a really nice guitar that they don't know how to play. Maybe with a little practice I'll be able to draw a decent curve, but don't hold your breath.

For now, you'll just have to settle for my Adobe Illustrator vector methods. I'll spare you the napkin sketch.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First Draft Sent to the Editor

I have finished the first draft of my book! It is approximately 53,500 words, 200 pages, or 2 lbs of wood. I'm really excited to see what comes back during the first round of edits; hopefully I won't need to rewrite the whole thing!

I started January 19th, and finished March 15th, which means it took just under 2 months to complete. That's on average almost 1,000 words a day. That means that I could have eaten a single chocolate chip from a bag of chips ahoy for each word I typed and finished 52 bags! Why didn't I think of that sooner?

Once I finish the revisions it will be time to write the proposal, marketing plan, and essays; I need to write something compelling if I want to be in any talk shows, radio shows, or newspaper articles!