Saturday, February 7, 2009

Started a book on Monday, January 19th

Before I die, I feel like I will have to try out every kind of job at least once. I have already tried Retail Yarn Sales, Website Design, Quality Assurance, Embedded Systems Programming, Web Application Development, Software Training, Marketing Communications, Graphic Design, and Solar Panel Manufacturing. Considering the ground covered so far, surely I will be an astronaut by 30, President by 45, and Former President by 46.

During my current, involuntary "Unpaid Leave of Absence," I've decided to write a book. Luckily for me, the state of New Jersey is allowing me to collect unemployment insurance while I write, apply for other jobs, and mope around the house. Although it's not much, it sure helps.

If I become a successful author, I intend to redirect all the funds I have collected from unemployment to a deserving charity like Doctors without Borders, NJPAL or Obama '12. I have realistic expectations of how well a book can sell, but my idea has never been done before (according to Amazon) and should appeal in the current financial environment. I can't say what the idea is yet, but it's a doozy. This could all even out Karmically, however I sure hope I end up with a million dollars that isn't invested in a 401K.

My experience packing books for a publishing company has taught me, if nothing else, that books are really really heavy. I don't want to ever have to schlep them around again, so I will definitely not try to self publish. Being the son of an author with thirty years of experience leads me to believe that I can succeed in this endeavor. When I'm the next J.K. Rowling and you look back on this blog, you'll see just how right I was; or you'll never read this blog. Either way, you can't prove me wrong!

As of today I'm at just about 28,000 words and 108 pages of manuscript. Can't wait to finish!

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